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Lesson Learned

So last night a friend of mine had a party and I of course brought my camera. Waking up this morning with not really knowing how last night ended I went straight to my camera to see the results. End result though is ninety blurry photos! I had a great time last night and I wish there were photos to show for it since the theme was 50's and everyone was decked out in great costumes. Maybe next time I'll try not to drink so much.

Here are three photos that I actually think turned out pretty neat, or some may even say "artistic."

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Comic-con part deux

Well Comic-Con was a week ago and I still can't really comprehend what I experienced. For four days downtown San Diego was transformed into a movie/comic/tv fans dream city. From the panels, to the show floor, to celebrities, to the events outside the convention center there was always something to do and somewhere to go for comic-con.
With over 120,000 people in attendance though it's tough to take photos without someone you don't want in it ending up in the picture.
The two photos below stuck out as two of my favorites from the weekend. The first one was great since the trolley was empty when I first got on so I had a few minutes with the guy to take photos without anybody nearby. He was awesome and I'm glad he let me take the photo. The second picture would have been really great except there was someone trying to take the same picture. I do still like photo but like I said before, it's tough to take pictures there without someone you don't want being in it.
The whole weekend was a blast and I cannot wait to check it out again next year.

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Just finished my first Comic-Con! I'm so anxious to get a free chance to upload photos but unfortunately that won't be until tomorrow night. Stay tuned because they are... wait for it..... LEGEND-DAIRY!

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