To Philly and back pt 1
It's been a few weeks since I got back from Philly but this past Sunday was the first chance I've really had to look through the photos from my trip. What a blast those few days were! I definitely needed a vacation from my vacation when I got back. It was great seeing everyone I saw and to whoever I didn't see, I'll make sure to see you during my next trip back.
I went back to Philly because Laura and I were invited to a very special day for two friends. Paul and Justina got married! I really love weddings and theirs was just lovely.
Funny thing, I was getting this post ready and I noticed that I didn't have any photos of the actual bride and groom in it! I fixed that though and threw one in from the ceremony and then another of their first dance. How strange would that have been to post about a wedding I went to and not show the two most important people there!
Burgess Wedding
Located on Lake Erie, Matt & Lisa's wedding was a nice personal wedding with a few family members and close friends. Living in Buffalo at the time they thought Lake Erie was a great spot to tie-the-knot and who could blame them. Matt is a childhood friend of mine and I was happy to help them out with taking photos when asked. This wedding actually happened a few years back and since then both Matt & Lisa have moved down to Florida where Matt is working in the service.
About a month ago, Matt's sister, Melissa e-mailed me to see if I still had the photo's around since she wanted to print a few out for when Matt gets back from serving oversea's in May. I was excited and jumped at the chance to go back and re-edit past photos. Below are a few recent edits and I will be adding more to the site over the weekend.
